WEDNESDAY, 26 JANUARY, 2011, 17:36 GMT
Eko Priliawito, Dwifantya AquinaPluit Reservoir (Between / Puspa Perwitasari)
VIVAnews - Increased sea levels and land subsidence (land subsidence) has occurred in some parts of Jakarta. Two natural phenomenon that is the cause of the frequent occurrence of floods in North Jakarta rob.
Jakarta city administration feels giant or giant dam construction seawall on the north coast of Jakarta urgently need to be expedited. "Apparently, land subsidence is faster than the movement of sea level rise. Both are making a puddle on the north coast of Java, including Jakarta," said Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo in the City Hall of Jakarta, Wednesday, January 26, 2011.
According to Fauzi Bowo, levees that currently there is not enough to overcome the flood tide well. Predicted, in 5 to 10 years ahead, Establishments must have the latest penanggulan system. Because the system currently used can not be applied. "For that, the necessary elevation of the dike," he said.
Affirmed Fauzi Bowo, polder or reservoir system, to be built more in the future, toward the sea in the area. So the area below sea level will not be flooded. This system has been implemented in the Netherlands and New Orleans, United States.
"Although the sea water is high, but the area below the sea surface remained dry because there is a giant dike that will pump water into the sea," he explained.
Actually it already has done with a smaller scale. For example in Pluit, Ancol, Jakarta and parts that are reclaimed. However, these dams must be made as a whole because it is part of the design master plan for flood prevention in Jakarta.
Deputy Representative Bos Witteveen, one of the members of the Consortium Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy (JCDS) Sawarendro said, since December 2010 has made the preparation of strategic plans as part of a giant sea dike construction planning.
It is expected in May 2011, this strategy can already presented for discussion relevant stakeholders such as Bappenas, the Ministry of Public Works, Public Works Department and the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.
There are four choices of sea dikes which may be applicable, namely the construction of sea dike is integrated with the reclamation of the north coast, the sea dike outside the reclamation area, the sea dike outside the reclamation area except for the Tanjung Priok and sea dikes connecting inter-island in the Thousand Islands.
The first option was judged the most feasible option to be implemented within the next 20 years.
"Considering this option requires a relatively small financing and implementation can be done with the contribution of public and private sectors," he said.