Minggu, Januari 09, 2011

Astronomers Discover Planet Alien RI Other Galaxies

Sunday, January 9, 2011 | 16:17 pm
VIVAnews -These latest findings in the world of astronomy.A new planet.Discovered by Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie (MPIA) in Germany. Planet named HIP 13044b, because he surrounds HIP 13 044, an old star that has been dying. The new findings reported by Thursday, November 18, 2010. Widely publicized throughout the world today.
The story about outer space, planet finding, and so often times makes us wonder. Sometimes also confused. Because the term and the code so much. In order for the story about the new planets were easy to understand, it helps us go back to the story of teachers about the universe.
Since in school we were taught that in this universe there are a number of galaxies. One is the Milky Way, which by our better known as the Milky Way. In the Milky Way that's the world we live it and settled a number of other planets.
Beyond that there are many other galaxies. One is a mini galaxy. The planets in the galaxy mini around a parent star is called HIP 13044.The experts calculate that this mini galaxy is about 2000 light years from Earth.
But it is increasingly frail parent star. Gravitational power of a number of planets surrounding them increasingly weak. Weakening the power of gravity that causes the number of planets apart and sucked by the gravitation of other galaxies.
One of the planets around old stars, the power drawn by the gravity of the Milky Way. The attraction causes the planet's environment into the Milky Way. The process of withdrawal is also often referred to as "cannibalism" galaxy. Some experts estimate that the process of cannibalism took place 6 to 9 billion years ago.
Planets belonging to the Milky Way was found in a number of astronomers in Germany earlier. Because he came from HIP 13 004, then the newly discovered planet was given the suffix b become HIP 13004b. This planet is a "child in boarding house" in the Milky Way. Its size, slightly larger than Jupiter.
What is the importance of finding new planet for us?
Rainer Klement from MPIA said that the findings were very interesting, because this is the first time humans discovered the existence of other planets outside our galaxy. The findings also, continued Rainer, paving the way for astronomers to examine the viability of the Milky Way, as well as survival of the world we live this. 
The experts had calculated that approximately five billion years to come, the Sun also will slowly dim. He will enter the phase of "red giant" that is the phase where its strength and power dimmed grativitasinya weakened. When that's weaker gravity, the planets surrounding them - including Earth - "preyed upon" by the sun or being sucked by gravity of other galaxies.
"This discovery is very interesting especially when we understand the future of the solar system, that the Sun will also be turned into a 'red giant' five billion years," said project leader, Johny Setiawan - Indonesia astronomer who also worked at the MPIA.
Then why the HIP 13044b it safe and not swallowed by its parent planet. Johnny estimate because the planet is rotating faster than the other planets. But he will not live forever, because the parent star that will evolve in the next evolutionary stage. At that moment later on - billions of years longer - the planet is swallowed.

Johnny setiawan estimates that later, when the Sun entered the phase of aging and become a red giant, Earth may not be safe. 

"The planets inside, including the Earth, probably will not survive," said Johny Setiawan on SPACE.com . "But Jupiter, Saturn and outer planets may move closer, just as we detected."

However, in the end all will perish. Once the Jupiter it would be swallowed, as the fate of the HIP 13044b, which is due to come from the middle of nowhere it came to be called planets "Alien"
Astronomers led Indonesia

We should be proud because this alien planet finder team of astronomers led by Indonesia, Johny Setiawan.Dr.rer.nat.Although brilliant in foreign countries, not many Indonesian people who know who and lunge kick, the astronomer.
Men born August 16, 1974 is working at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), Germany. Remarkably, he was a non-Germans who believed many times as the chairman of the project team.
He joined as a post-doctoral researcher at the MPIA, in the Department of the Planet and Star Formation since June 2003. In the same year he began leading the research in the observation of stars and planets ESO La Silla. In addition, he also worked specifically on a number of projects like ESPRI (Search for Planets with PRIMA / Phase-referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry).
Before the recent discovery of an alien planet about it, Johnny and his team found about 10 new planets, although not all published. In 2008, for example, he and his team menemuka planet named TW Hya b.The planet around the star TW Hydrae is located in the constellation Hydra, a distance of 180 light years from Earth.This discovery shocked the world of astronomy. Because, within the last 12 years, none of the planet that comes from young stars. 

In 2005 the same research team also managed to find another extrasolar planet, named HD 11977 b which also provides information about the evolution of other solar systems related to the existence of the planet if its star was running out of energy sources.
As a native of Indonesia, Johny mastering the mother tongue, Indonesian. And her social in Europe made her fluent in German, English, Spanish, and French.
Besides working at the MPIA, Johnny active giving lectures about astronomy, both in Germany and Indonesia.
According to him, social and public activities in the scientific community, and the relationship between academics, science and non-science is very important to transfer knowledge in the horizontal and vertical directions.
Besides busy as a scientist, Johnny also had a hobby of cooking. He can cook almost any type of traditional Indonesian cuisine, which often served to his friends fellow astronaut.