Senin, Januari 03, 2011

Amien Rais: There is Strength 'Demon' in Case of IPOs KS

Monday, 01/03/2011 4:23 pm - detikNews

Jakarta - The case of initial public offering (IPO) of PT Krakatau Steel (KS) also has yet to see a bright spot.MPP Chairman of PAN, Amien Rais assess existing strengths 'invisible' behind the loss of public attention to this case.

"Right now there are invisible forces that cause why KS has ever tumultuous two to three weeks, then slowly relaxed now and will probably disappear," Chairman of the Board of Trustees explained PAN Party, Amien Rais of PAN Office of the DPP Jl Warung Buncit, South Jakarta, Sunday (2/1/2010).

Amien said there was a conspiracy in the sale of the shares of KS. "There patgulipat, in addition to also sell at the lowest prices, not the middle, let alone at the top," says this former Chairman of Muhammadiyah.
Drawn-dissolution of disclosure cases, judged no singularity. One of the leaders of this reform was proposed that the IPO KS action questioning followed. 
"I used to propose a breakthrough for me to question it so that in the follow Parliament, economists, law and media," said former Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly this.
(Adi / her)