Kamis, Desember 09, 2010

Indonesia-Singapore will form Combat Flight School

Kamis, 09/12/2010 00:43 WIB
Anwar Khumaini - detikNews
Nusa Dua - Indonesia and Singapore to further improve bilateral cooperation. In fact, the two neighboring countries will form a flight school for fighter planes.

This idea emerged in a meeting held between President Yudhoyono and Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister at the Laguna Resort & Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali, on Wednesday (8/12/20100).

"The president agreed to set up a school for combat flight instructor who will be held later for training our pilots to become fighter trainer aircraft," Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said after accompanying President met with Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore.
Purnomo explained that this cooperation is a new thing that was agreed and would be implemented to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

"So this is a school for combat flight instructor who will be held later for training our pilots to become fighter trainer aircraft," said Purnomo.

The idea was initiated by Purnomo is within the framework of the anniversary of Indonesia-Singapore cooperation to-30 years. As for Indonesia will be selected as the training ground.

When to begin? "It's a new idea I had in order to re-cast
Indopura to-30 years. This will certainly be discussed with the Air Force Chief, "said the former minister of Energy and Mineral Resources