Senin, Januari 03, 2011

Seed Oil Kerosene Substitute Bintaro in Teluk Meranti Riau

Monday, January 3, 2011 1:58 pm

Jakarta (Reuters) Bogor Institute of Technology bintaro develop oil from the seed as an alternative energy for the people of Teluk Meranti, Riau. 

Development of the oil-IPB in collaboration with PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) as an effort to utilize local resources and community development, said Director of PACO Kusnan Rahmin in a press release here on Sunday. 

"Development bintaro seed oil into alternative energy was triggered by the high price of kerosene. As a result, local residents began to use wood as fuel," he said. 

Kusnan said, residents can take advantage of Teluk Meranti bintaro seed oil as an alternative energy for their household needs. 

"The results of IPB is expected to provide solutions for Meranti Bay residents to meet energy needs and to benefit economically, while maintaining the sustainability of forests in Kampar Peninsula," he said. 

Bintaro seed development into alternative energies is done IPB approximately four months. 

"With this study, we hope that local communities have an additional activity for the processing of vegetable oils as an effort to meet their energy needs independently, which in turn could increase people's income," said Kusnan. 

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Vegetable Oil Development Research Team Seed Bintaro of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB, Aris Purwanto, explains, bintaro tree was chosen because the plants produce fruit all year round. In addition, the seed has the potential to produce oil. 

"Bintaro a fibrous rind can be used as raw materials or particle board can be used as fuel directly. It can also be converted into fuel briquettes to the furnace," he said. 

Bintaro tree is usually found in Teluk Meranti. The tree does not require special maintenance. The use of alternate energy is expected to reduce deforestation. 

The program, said Aris, also became one of support for government programs in developing rural energy independent. 

"With this research, the surrounding community have their own alternative energy sources that are renewable raw materials exist in this region too," said Aris.